Societe Generale Insurance
Societe Generale Insurance: Main business area is the coverage of loans, mortgages, installment payments or leasing contracts.
Societe Generale Insurance is the internationally operating insurance company of Societe Generale, with a presence in many countries. Customers and business partners benefit from the knowledge and experience of a large company.
Since 2007 Societe Generale Insurance has been operating with its German branch in Hamburg and serves from there all German partners and customers.
We are specialist in Germany for covering recurrent payment obligations, for automotive insurance solutions as well as for income protection, including assistance services if required.
It is very important for us to cooperate closely with our partners to develop individual and customized solutions. Our service ranges from the creation of a product idea, project management up to the implementation of training and claims management.
The German branch is a member of the German Insurance Association (GDV) and an associated member of the Association of German Consumer banks (Bankenfachverband). Our focused partners are banks and mail order companies, financial service providers and brokers who offer Societe Generale Insurance products via their own distribution channels.